Anna Koshmal
Anna Koshmal, born October 22, 1994, in Kyiv Ukraine. Anna Koshmal is 27 years old. age. Unfortunately, no information can be accessed online on her siblings or parents. Anna is also of Ukrainian heritage and is also a Christian. Anna Koshmal is worth an estimated $2 million. She is paid for her acting roles in television as well as films. Anna added that she models for magazines can be a way to earn extra money. Anna Koshmal aspired to be an artist as early as she was six. Although she wasn't sure of the direction to go down, her dreams were clear. Through her childhood, she studied painting. Anna has also taken singing classes as well as dance lessons. She is also a skilled painter. In numerous interviews, Komal spoke about the ability of her painters. After two months she was compelled to attend a drama class in Republic Kids by her parents. Theater drama was a subject that gave her more information about theater and the way it operates. With the help by L. I. Utyosov and L. I. Utyosov, she continued her vocal studies at the Faculty of Music and Management. Then, a movie cast team picked her to be the lead in their film after she graduated. Let's take a look at what happened below! Anna Koshmal was approached by Kvartal 95 Studio when she was 17 years old. Anna Koshmal was contacted while she was enrolled at Republic Kids. The agent of her studio when she was still in school. An agent from the casting department approached her and she didn't know what character was being sought for auditions. Before the agents she only sang songs which had been taught by her, and did only a small amount of acting. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her acting debut was in Match Makers, a TV comedy show.

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